
About this Blog

The purpose of this blog is to discuss the Tudor's, from Henry VII in 1485 to Elizabeth I in 1603.  We can also discuss prior to 1485 & after 1603, as it will more then likely relate to The Tudors.  The blogs will be about past & present movies/series, historic events, books, articles, my opinion, your opinion, updates to the site, and anything else relating to the Tudors.  At times, I will go beyond the Tudors & discuss other various English Monarchs.   Besides About This Blog Page, here are the other pages on this site:

About Me
The Tudor Family Tree
The Tudor Kings & Queens
Today in Tudor History
Tudor Books/Articles that I own and want to read
Tudor movies/documentaries that I have watched over the years
    {some of the movies are on my youtube site}

I am proud to announce that since the end of the October 2011, this site has been visited by over 120,000 viewers nationwide.  There have been over 100 blogs posted since October 2011.  Besides being on YouTube, we are on Facebook (over 6,500 followers) & Twitter (over 450 followers) and to access and join, review the right portion of this site.  Currently, we have over 45 followers following this site.  If you want to become a follower on this site, simply go to the bottom right part of this site and follow the instructions.

Examples of items that I have blogged about are:
Helen Mirren as Elizabeth I (8 blogs about this)
Cate Blanchett's first movie as Elizabeth (3 blogs)
Actual Factual Speech at Tilbury by Elizabeth I
BBC History Magazine about The Tudors (Aug. '11 issue)
Review of the film, "Anonymous"
One of our followers wrote about WALTER RALEGH
Anne of the Thousand Days Review/Inaccuracies (2 blogs)
"The Tudors" that originally appeared on Showtime (weekly blogs as it follows BBC America's schedule)
Anne Boleyn & Her Mother, Elizabeth Boleyn
Orlando (Film) & Correlation to Queen Elizabeth I  {one of my favorite blogs that I have written}
Tudor Calendar
Personal Review of “The Six Wives of Henry VIII”, "The Shadow the Tower", & "Elizabeth R"
Review of "Elizabeth: The Struggle for the Throne" by David Starkey (3 blogs for each 100 pages)
Was it best for England to break away from the Catholic Church?
& many more blogs from the past and many more to come in the future!

Other Tudor movies/series will be discussed.  I, too, will address historical moments/speeches that have occurred during the Tudor era, such as an earlier blog about the famous speech given by Elizabeth I at Tilbury, when England defeated the Spanish Armada.

It's very important that this blogging site have follower participation.  Participation mainly includes sharing your comments/thoughts.  Your comments and thoughts are strongly urged.  If you come across any problems with commenting, please email me at  In one of my latest blogs, I had one of our followers write an actual blog of interest to him/her.  I would like to continue with having followers, at least once a month, contribute by writing a blog of interest to him or her.

On that note, enjoy the site.

Now that you have read this, check out the site and start commenting! 



  1. Cool site! Some vintage Hollywood royals for you to check out:

    Katharine Hepburn as Mary Queen of Scots

    Merle Oberon as Ann Boleyn

    Bette Davis as QE I (not to mention Lady Gaga)

  2. I will definitely keep these in mind when I watch future films. Also, check out on this site, the section of recommended Tudor movies to watch. Thanks for the comment and feel free to join the site, it's easy to do. I blog very often and love follower participation! On that note, Happy Tudor Day! ~

  3. I am very good with designing web pages and blogs, if you ever need help... send me a message! It would be my pleasure to help, no cost, just friendship. I look forward to reading what you have here.

  4. Bridgett, thank you so much for the offer. I'll keep it in mind. Thank you for your generosity. I look forward to reading and commenting on my blog and I look forward with keeping up with yours.
