
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Q&A W/ Robert Parry, Author of "Virgin and the Crab" - 3 Year Anniversary

I had a Q & A by email with Robert Parry.  Robert Parry is the Author of 'Virgin and the Crab'.  His novel's 3 year Anniversary is today 4/25/12.  I would like to congratulate Robert Parry and wish him all the best with his future endeavors. Below is the Q &A:

Robert Parry

'Virgin and the Crab'
Question: What is "Virgin and the Crab", your novel, about?

It is about the highly volatile decade of the 1550’s in which the English throne changed occupants four times in rapid succession. Starting with the demise of  King Henry in 1547, then his son Edward, followed by Queen (Lady) Jane, Queen Mary and finally Elizabeth – a twelve year period, to be precise. The novel speculates on the existence of a secret society of brave and dedicated men and women who aided and supported the Princess Elizabeth throughout all of this most dangerous and difficult time. One of these was the mathematician and astronomer John Dee, and the story is mostly told from his perspective, with regular glimpses of Elizabeth in-between.

Question: What inspired you to write "Virgin and the Crab"?

My admiration for the Elizabethan age and also my fondness for John Dee and the Tudor’s generally. It
was such an exciting time, the 16th Century, just on the cusp between the old and the new worlds - both physically and intellectually. Everything was changing, and everything was up for grabs – adventure, scientific enquiry, religious change - and so many wonderful, colourful characters, as well.

Question: Is this your first novel?  If not, what other novels have you written?

Like most novelists, there are always other, earlier efforts tucked away in the attic - stories that were attempted but never quite worked out. These are often part of the learning process for an author - before he or she finally feels it is right. ‘Virgin and the Crab’ was my first printed novel, however, which - after many years of being hawked around and examined by various publishers in London and never quite making it - I decided to publish myself. My 2nd novel ‘The Arrow Chest’ came out last year and a 3rd is on the way. I am really enjoying the whole process, seeing the stories through from start to finish and then telling everyone all about them like this.

Question: How could an individual purchase "Virgin and the Crab"?

It is easily available online through amazon under ISBN-10: 1449515711. For those who don’t like using amazon, though, you can get it through Barnes & Noble, Indie Bound and so on, and most libraries and bookshops in the US will order it, too, if asked – though with a different ISBN. For anything outside of amazon, ask for ISBN-10: 1441415173.The most cost effective way, however, is just to go to my website and order directly from the publishers at a 10% discount. And of course it’s always available on Kindle.

Question: How do you name your novels?

It is quite a lengthy process in which I consider all kinds of alternatives and then talk them over with my partner or a few friends. The main thing is to come up with something that stands out from all the other thousands of titles published every year. That is an almost impossible task, of course. But having a slightly quirky title does sometimes assist in getting noticed – which is half the battle for any author wanting to find a readership – just telling people that you are there. In this instance the title is also based on the astrological signs of the two main characters – Virgo (the Virgin) for Elizabeth Tudor, and Cancer (the Crab) for John Dee.

Question: When did you become an author and why did you become one?

I have been writing for most of my life, and have been an author for many years. It just seems a natural thing and I enjoy it immensely.

Question: What do you consider your best accomplishment?

I am very excited about the story I am writing now. I hope it is my best work to date – but I suppose every author likes to think that – the latest being the best. Only time will tell. I hope to be announcing the title shortly and, all being well, it should appear round about the end of the year.

Question: How have your personal experiences affected your writing?

Most writers of fiction will write about their own personal experiences, no matter how remotely they transpose them into other time periods or situations. So yes, personal experiences and feelings do affect what I write. As a writer you always need some way of getting notes down fast, because always the ideas are being presented to you as part of your daily life. Inescapable really.

Question: What would you tell someone who wants to become an Author; either can answer    
                  generally or specially about the Tudor time period?

I was asked this the other day – and I think you commented on it, too, Anthony (at the Tudor Café). It’s just to never give up - no matter what adversity you meet with or how many rejections you receive from people in the publishing business. When your work is refused (and just about every writer on the planet has had their work turned down at some stage) it is not necessarily because it is poor work, but only that it might not seem saleable or commercial enough. In a way, that is a compliment, so it should never be a cause for discouragement. If you are a writer then you won’t give up writing anyway. It’s what makes you what you are. Writers never give up.

Message from Robert Parry:
Thank you for the opportunity to be a guest on your page! If anyone would like to follow me, my website is and my Facebook page is
See you there!


  1. Very nice interview Anthony and Robert! Always great to read them. Looking forward to your review of the book Anthony :) We can compare notes lol.

  2. Thank you Bridgett. Looking forward to reading it too & yes we can compare notes LOL:)
