
Monday, December 19, 2011

Much Suspected by Me ...(Guest Blog)

Below is one of my monthly following guest blogs.  It is from a follower Bridgett Bassett and her own personal site is
"Much suspected by me, Nothing proved can be" by Elizabeth I
published in Acts and Monuments (1563) by John Foxe.

England's Virgin Queen for 44 years, Elizabeth I, has been the "chatter" for decades now.

For anyone interested in history, how could you not be fascinated with her? How could you not want to learn more about her, and try to imagine what it would have been like to live her life? Or even to visualize in your mind the reasons she did the things she did? What she must of thought of her father? How she felt about the loss of her mother at such an early age? What drove her to stay unmarried, and childless? What sort of secrets did she hold in her heart?

We will probably never know....

Here is a woman that feared getting a tooth pulled yet courageous when faced with war! A woman who would jump in a chair to avoid a mouse, but stand tall when confronted by a man's temper!

I would like to believe she got her precocious, and unyielding personality from her mother Anne Boleyn, who was also ahead of her time in beliefs. I have no doubt that she would have been purely loved by her mother, had her mother not been executed wrongfully by Elizabeth's own father!

Over the centuries, there have been many stories that Queen Elizabeth had secret children.

Some people today still maintain that she did, and believe that Francis Bacon and the Earl of Essex were her sons.

In fact, there is no evidence that the Queen ever bore children, and it would have been nearly impossible for her to have hidden a pregnancy from her court. Can you imagine?? An eight month pregnant Queen, and no one knows?

This is my [Bridgett Bassett ] opinion, but honestly I do not believe that this would have been true! But it does make for some interesting novels, and Tudor Talk :)

I [Bridgett Bassett ] found these videos that I thought were fun, and full of thought provoking scenes from movies. Just fan based, music videos I suppose you would say. Enjoy.

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