
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Last post Elizabeth I,HBO Series 2,w/ pict.& links

   (Essex & Queen
                                                                                                         Flirtatious behavior with one another)

As I ended off with the blog called Elizabeth I (HBO Series 2), The Queen babies and grants Essex's every wish.  Thus, maybe creating his such high ego.  Was it in a way her fault?  Yes or No, who really knows.

Essex becomes very popular with the common folk, especially when in 1596, he distinguishes himself with the capture of Cadiz, again defeating the Spanish.  However, the Earl becomes too full of himself.  As time progressed, his behavior towards the Queen lacked respect and he showed disdain for the influence of her principal secretary, Robert Cecil.

For example, on one occasion during a heated Privy Council debate on the problems in Ireland, the Queen reportedly cuffed an insolent Essex round the ear, prompting him to draw his sword on her.  This was intolerable and anyone else that would have done this would have been tried for treason and more then likely executed, but not the Earl.  He got away with it, as usual!

Essex was given a command to head to Ireland and defeat the traitor, The Earl of Tyrone.  Long story short, he defied almost all of the Queen's demands and when he returned, he was placed under house arrest.  Obviously, this was not to Essex's liking.  He planned a rebellion as he felt the Privy Counsel was corrupt, specifically by Robert Cecil  (son of William Cecil, Lord Burghley).  The Earl expected the common folk to join his rebellion but they did not. His rebellion was a clear debacle and he was executed for high treason against the Queen. In February 1601, he was beheaded.,_2nd_Earl_of_Essex (More info on the Earl of Essex).

Throughout all of this process, the Queen was getting older; which meant her Privy Counsel too.  Sir Walsingham, a high member of the Privy Counsel died, as well as Lord Burghley, which was her most favorite and honorable servant.  It does not mention this in the movie, but Lord Burghley, was apart of the Queen's Privy Councel since day 1.
Lord Burghley      Francis Walsingham
When the Queen gave her final speech to Parliament

Parliament was disgusted with how some members of the Counsel were treated more favorable then others, specifically Essex.  She gave her last speech, which was known as the Golden Speech and it was one of her most finest and popular speech's.  Elizabeth gained Parliament's support in just one simple speech.  She certainly was one of a kind.
Unfortunately, shortly thereafter, in 1603, the Queen's health deteriorated and she passed.  

*This is the end of my blog for Elizabeth 1, the HBO Series.  I will continue with another movie that involves Elizabeth and will share more info/history, as well as compare and contrast each movie with one another.  

Both scenes I recommend.  I was trying to find more on YouTube for Series 2 but was unsuccessful:

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