*below is a picture of Helen Mirren as Elizabeth I
& Jeremy Irons as Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester
The scenes that I absolutely love are the very beginning when her lady's in waiting are taking off her gown, just showing how much work it was to dress and undress the Queen. Additionally, I love the scene when she is giving her speech to her army awaiting the Spanish Armada (you tube video in future blog, and the end when she gives her final speech, known as the golden speech, to Parliament. There are other scenes that I love but those stick out right now.
Besides the positive, there were some inaccuracies in the film involving Mary, Queen of Scots: First, Elizabeth actually never met her cousin, Mary, as the series indicated. Second, Mary was not as heavy as they portrayed her in the movie. Third, when she was executed, it was not in front of everyone, such as the common folk; rather it was a private execution where the high members of Elizabeth's Privy Counsel and Parliament witnessed the execution. Stay Tuned - More to follow!
Good luck with your blog!