
Today in Tudor History

Month & Day
Year & Event
 Information below came from the following sources:
Januarby 1st 1511 - Katherine of Aragon gave birth to a son
1515 - King Louis XII of France died, Charles Brandon is sent to escort Mary Tudor home
1540 - Henry VIII met Anne of Cleves for the first time; she did not recognize him
1556 - Nicholas Heath became Lord Chancellor
January 2nd
1492 - Surrender of the city of Granada by King Boabdil of the Moors to the forces of King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile, the parents of Catherine of Aragon. 
1554 - Ambassadors arrive for marriage negotiations between Queen Mary and Philip of Spain
January 3rd1521 - Pope Leo X issued the papal bull Decet Romanum Pontificem excommunicating Reformer, German priest and professor of theology Martin Luther from the Catholic Church.
January 4th

1493 - Christopher Columbus set sail in the Niña to find the missing ship the Pinta so that the fleet could set out from the New World to return to Spain.

1519 - Martin Luther began a meeting with the papal representative Karl von Miltitz at Altenburg.
January 5th1511 - Katherine of Aragon's and Henry VIII's son was baptized
1531 -  Pope Clement VII wrote to Henry VIII forbidding him to remarry and threatening him with excommunication.
January 6th1540 - Henry VIII married Anne of Cleves
1562 - Shane O'Neill presented at the English court
January 7th 1536 - Katherine of Aragon died
1558 - England lost Calais to the French
January 8th
1536 - Both Henry VIII & Anne Boleyn appear in joyful yellow from top to toe; and 16 month old Princess Elizabeth is paraded triumphantly in Chruch that Sunday morning, following the death of Catherine of Aragon
January 9th
January 10th
January 11th1542 - Henry VIII and Charles V agreed to jointly attack France
1569 - The first recorded lottery began to be drawn at the west door of St Paul's Cathedral. Its purpose was to be a source of revenue for Elizabeth I's government, instead of imposing unpopular taxes. 
1591 - Birth of Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex and son of Elizabeth I's favourite Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex. His maternal grandfather was Sir Francis Walsingham.
January 12th1510 - Henry VIII entered his first joust as a King
1539 - Francis I and Charles V signed the Peace of Toledo
1559 - Elizabeth I made her way to the Tower of London for her coronation
January 13th
 1547 - Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, was tried and found guilty by a common inquest at Guildhall.
1599 - Death of Edmund Spenser, the English poet known for his allegorical poem "The Faerie Queene" which was written in praise of Elizabeth I.
January 14th
1514 - Henry VIII wrote to Francis I "Condoling on the death of Lewis XII., of which he has just been notified, and congratulating Francis on his accession. Sends the Duke of Suffolk, Dr. Nicholas West and Sir Richard Wingfield for that purpose." Of course, Brandon would return to England as a married man, having married Mary Tudor, Queen of France.
1526 - Treaty of Madrid between Francis I and Charles V
1539 - Nicholas Carew convicted of treason
1553 - Matrimonial treaty between Queen Mary and Philip of Spain made public knowledge
1559 - Elizabeth coronation procession traveled to Westminster
January 15th
1535 - King Henry VIII proclaimed that he was now Supreme Head of the Church of England: "Memorandum that the King in his privy chamber, 15 January 26 Hen. VIII., in presence of Sir Thos. Audley, lord Chancellor, Thos. duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England, Thos. earl of Wiltshire, keeper of the Privy Seal, Thos. Crumwell, chief secretary, and others, ordained that his style should henceforth be "Henricus Octavus, Dei gratia Angliæ et Franciæ Rex, Fidei Defensor et Dominus Hiberniæ, et in Terra Supremum Caput Anglicanæ Ecclesiæ."" LP viii.5 
1559 - Elizabeth I crowned Queen of England
January 16th

1549 - Thomas Seymour arrested
1501 – The birth of Anthony Denny. Sir Anthony Denny was a confidant of Henry VIII of England. Denny was the most prominent member of the Privy chamber in Henry's last years having, together with his brother-in-law John Gates, charge of the "dry stamp" of Henry's signature, and attended Henry on his deathbed. He also served as Groom of the Stool. He was a member of the reformist circle that offset the conservative religious influence of Gardiner. He was a wealthy man, having acquired manors and former religious sites through the Court of augmentations. By 1548 he was keeper of Westminster Palace. In 1525, Anthony married Joan Champernowne, sister to Katherine Ashley, the governess of the future Queen Elizabeth I.
1556 - Philip of Spain became King Philip II of Spain 
1572 – Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk is tried for treason for his part in the Ridolfi plot to restore Catholicism in England.
January 17th1547 - Henry VIII appeared in public for the last time. He had an audience with the French and Spanish ambassadors and it was clear that he was very ill.
January 18th 1486 - King Henry VII married Elizabeth of York
January 19th1547 - Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, beheaded
January 20th1557 - Gentlemen pensioners mustered before Queen Mary
1558 - Parliament opened and granted Queen Mary subsidies to deal with the loss of Calais   
1569 – Death of Miles Coverdale, Bible Translator
January 21st1510 - The first parliament of Henry VIII's reign met 
1542 - The Bill of Attainder against Catherine Howard, the former queen, was introduced into Parliament.
1556 - Eustace Chapuys, Imperial Ambassador, died in Louvain, the place he had retired to in 1549. He was laid to rest in the Chapel of Louvain College, the college he had founded. 
January 22nd 1528 - Henry VIII and Francis I of France declare war on Emperor Charles V
1552 - Edward Seymour was executed  
1554 - Thomas Wyatt the Younger met with fellow conspirators at his home of Allington Castle in Kent to make final plans for their uprising against Mary I and her decision to marry Philip of Spain.
 1561 - Birth of Francis Bacon, Viscount St Alban, the Elizabethan Lord Chancellor, politician, philosopher, author and scientist at York House in the Strand, London. 
January 23rd 1516 - King Ferdinand II of Aragon died
1516-  Charles V becomes King of Spain
1542 - King Henry VIII takes the title of King of Ireland.
1552 - The 2nd version of the Book of Common Prayer became mandatory
1571 – The Royal Exchange opens in London.
January 24th1503 - The foundation stone of King Henry VII's chapel was laid at Westminster Abbey 
1536 - Henry VIII knocked unconscious in a jousting accident
1555 - Great joust held at Westminster between Queen Mary's and Philip of Spain's knights 
January 25th 1533 - King Henry VIII married Anne Boleyn in secret
1559 - Elizabeth I's first parliament met
January 26th1557 - Martin Bucer's and Paul Fagius's bodies were exhumed and symbolically
           burned for heresy  
1564 - Pope Pius IV issued the bull Benedictus Deus confirming the Council of Trent's canons and decrees. This bull made it clear that only the pope could interpret them.
1567 - The death of Nicholas Wotton.
January 27th1548 - Cranmer prohibits the usage of ash, palms, and candles on Lent 
1595 – The death of Sir Francis Drake.
January 28th 1457 - King Henry VII was born
1547 - King Henry VIII died
1547 - Thomas Howard to be executed, saved by Henry VIII's death
January 29th 1536 - Anne Boleyn gave birth to a stillborn son
1536 - The funeral of Queen Katherine of Aragon
1555 - The first Protestants are condemned to be burned for heresy under Queen Mary
January 30th
January 31st1547 - Henry VIII's death announced, Edward VI proclaimed king
February 1st1514 - Charles Brandon made Duke of Suffolk & the Howard family is restored to the
            Dukedom of Norfolk
1552 – The birth of Sir Edward Coke, an English Barrister, Judge, & Politician
1554 -  Mary I rallied her troops against Wyatt's rebellion with a rousing speech at
1587  - Elizabeth I signed Mary, Queen of Scots death warrant
February 2nd
February 3rd1537 - Thomas FitzGerald executed
February 4th 1520 - Mary Boleyn married William Carey
1540 - Henry VIII and Anne of Cleves traveled in state to Westminster
1555 - John Rogers is burned for heresy at Smithfield
February 5th
1537 - Birth of diplomat Sir Henry Brooke, son of George Brooke, 9th Baron Cobham, and his wife Anne Bray. Anne Bray was a lady in waiting to Anne Boleyn and there is controversy over whether she was the "Nan Cobham" who was one of the Queen's accusers in 1536.
1556 - Treaty of Vaucelles between Philip II of Spain and Henry II of France
1605 - Death of Sir Edward Stafford, son of Sir William Stafford (Mary Boleyn's second husband) and his second wife Dorothy Stafford. Edward was an MP and diplomat and there is controversy over his "spying" activities during the Armada and exactly how much information he passed to Mendoza.
February 6th1508 - Maximilian I was crowned Holy Roman Emperor
1514 - Thomas Wolsey became Bishop of Lincoln
1553 - Princess Mary visits an ill King Edward
1557 - The exhumed bodies of reformers Martin Bucer and Paul Fagius are burned 
1577 - King Henri de Bourbon of Navarra becomes leader of the Huguenots
February 7th 1478 - Sir Thomas More was born
1526 - Henry VIII made his love for Anne Boleyn publicly known in the Shrove Tuesday jousts
1527 - Francis Bryan lost his eye in the Shrove Tuesday jousts
1531 - Henry VIII demanded the clergy to recognize him as the Supreme Head
February 8th 1554 - Surrender of rebel Thomas Wyatt, the Younger into the custody of. Sir Maurice Berkeley
1555 - Burning of Protestant martyr Lawrence Saunders at Coventry
1587 - Mary, Queen of Scots was executed
1601 - Essex's Rebellion  
1623 - Thomas Cecil, 1st Earl of Exeter passed away. He was known as Lord Burghley from 1598 to 1605 after he inherited the title from his father, William Cecil
February 9th1555 - John Hooper is burned for heresy at Gloucester
1558 - Bishops, priests, and clerks commanded to take part in a general procession in London
February 10th 1542 - Katherine Howard taken to the Tower of London
1567 - Lord Darnley murdered
February 11th1466 - Elizabeth of York, mother of Henry VIII, born
1503 - Elizabeth of York died
February 12th 1554 - Lady Jane Grey and her husband Guildford Dudley were executed
1554 - Princess Elizabeth ordered to London under suspicion of being involved in Wyatt's plot.
February 13th 1542 - Katherine Howard and Jane Boleyn were executed 
1608 - Bess of Hardwick died at the age of eighty
February 14th1547 - Henry VIII buried at Windsor 
1556 - Thomas Cranmer was declared a heretic by Queen Mary I.
February 15th
February 16th
February 17th
February 18th 1516 - Mary I was born
February 19th
February 20th 1547 - King Edward VI crowned
February 21st1516 - Mary Tudor is baptized
February 22nd 1511 - Prince Henry son of Katherine of Aragon and Henry VIII died
1554 - Queen Mary pardoned 400 rebels
February 23rd1503 - Burial of Elizabeth of York, wife of Henry VII, daughter of Edward IV and mother of Henry VIII, at Westminster Abbey 
1554 - Execution of Henry Grey, Duke of Suffolk, father of Lady Jane Grey. He was executed as a traitor for his part in Wyatt's Rebellion. 
February 24th 1500 - Holy Roman Emperor Charles V was born in Ghent
1525 - Richard de la Pole killed in the Battle of Pavia.  He was the son of John de la Pole and Elizabeth Plantagenet, sister of Edward IV. 
1563 - Death of Francis, Duke of Guise, at Château Corney. He had been wounded by a Huguenot assassin six days earlier. 
1580 - Death of Henry Fitzalan, 12th Earl of Arundel. Fitzalan was the godson of Henry VIII and served under Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I and Elizabeth I. 
1582 - Pope Gregory XIII issued a papal bull, the Inter gravissimas, introducing the Gregorian Calendar.
1603 - Death of Katherine Howard, Countess of Nottingham, at Arundel House. Katherine was the daughter of Henry Carey, Baron Hunsdon (so granddaughter of Mary Boleyn), and was a close friend of Elizabeth I. 
February 25th 1558 - Princess Elizabeth arrived in London
1570 - Elizabeth I excommunicated by the Pope
1601 - Robert Devereux executed for treason
February 26th1548 - Birth of George Carey, 2nd Baron Hunsdon, Grandson of Mary Boleyn.
1549 - Katherine (AKA, KAT) Ashley released from Tower of London after being interrogated regarding Elizabeth's relationship with Thomas Seymour.
1552 - Executions of Sir Thomas Arundell and Sir Michael Stanhope by beheading, and the hangings of Sir Ralph Fane and Sir Miles Partridge. They were executed for conspiring with Somerset (Edward Seymour) against the Duke of Northumberland (John Dudley).
February 27th 1545 - Battle of Ancrum Moor
1548 - Cranmer ordered that candles, ashes, and palms cease to be used at Lent
1557 - A Russian ambassador arrived in England
1560- Duke of Norfolk signed the Treaty of Berwick
1594 - Henri IV crowned King of France
February 28th 1558 - Princess Elizabeth met with Queen Mary
February 29th
March 1st
March 2nd
March 3rd1500 -  Birth of Cardinal Reginald Pole 
1516 -  Margaret Tudor returns to the Tudor court
1542 -  Death of Arthur Plantagenet, Lord Lisle, courtier, soldier, diplomat, administrator and illegitimate son of Edward IV. 
1582 -  Birth of Edward Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert of Cherbury, author of "The Life and Raigne of King Henry the Eighth".
March 4th1526 - Birth of Henry Carey, 1st Baron Hunsdon, son of Mary Boleyn. 
1590 - Execution of Christopher Bales, Catholic Priest, in Fleet Street, London. 
1609 - Death of William Bullokar. He was a spelling reformer and grammarian. His works included the 1580 book "A Short Introduction or Guiding to Print, Write, and Reade English Speech", "The Booke at Large", a translation of Aesop's Fables and the "Pamphlet for Grammar". He also reformed the alphabet. 
March 5th 1496 - Henry VII commissions the Cabots to explore the New World
1549 - Act of Attainder passed against Baron Sudeley
1563 - Birth of Sir John Coke, politician and influential administrator during Charles I's reign. 
1572 - Death of Edward Hastings, Baron Hastings of Loughborough, nobleman and soldier.
March 6th1492 - Birth of Juan Luis Vives in Valencia, Spain. Vives was a scholar and is known for being the friend and adviser of Catherine of Aragon and the tutor of Mary I. 
1536 - Introduction into Parliament of a bill for the dissolution of small monasteries (with income of less than £200 per year)
March 7th1530 - Pope Clement VII forbade Henry VIII from marrying Anne Boleyn
1556 - People take a shooting comet as a warning of things to come
March 8th1539 - Nicholas Carew beheaded
1551 - Hooper made Bishop of Gloucester
March 9th1525 - Henry VIII first heard news of Richard de la Pole's death and ordered a Te Deum in London
1566 - Murder of David Rizzio, private secretary of Mary Queen of Scots.
1578 - Death of Lady Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox, daughter of Margaret Tudor and Archibald Douglas, 6th Earl of Angus.
1589 - Death of Lady Frances Radcliffe, one of Elizabeth I's ladies of the bedchamber. 
March 10th1524 - Henry VIII nearly seriously injured in a joust against the Duke of Suffolk
March 11th
March 12th 1538/9 - Sir Thomas Boleyn, Earl of Wiltshire died
March 13th1540 - Death of Henry Bourchier, Earl of Essex.  He died after falling off a horse and his title was given to Thomas Cromwell. His daughter, Anne, married Sir William Parr, brother of Queen Catherine Parr.
1569 - Battle of Jarnac in the French Wars of Religion, between the Huguenots and the Catholic forces.
1601 - Execution of Sir Gelly Meyrick at Tyburn. This was due to his involvement in the rebellion led by Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex.
March 14th
March 15th1532 - Henry VIII's clergy surrendered their legislative power to him
March 16th 1485 - Death of Anne Neville, consort of Richard III. 
1534 - Church of England breaks allegiance from Pope
1559 - Death of Sir Anthony St Leger, Lord Deputy of Ireland.
March 17th1473~ James IV was born in Stirling Castle Scotland
March 18th 1496 - Princess Mary Tudor was born, younger sister of Henry VIII
1554- Princess Elizabeth Tudor is imprisoned on Palm Sunday in the Tower of London
1555-  Francis, Duke of Anjou and Alençon, the youngest son of Henry II of France and Catherine de' Medici was born.  
March 19th
March 20th 1549 - Thomas Seymour was executed
1557 - Philip of Spain returned to England
1616 - Sir Walter Raleigh was freed from the Tower of London after thirteen years of imprisonment.
March 21st 1556 - Thomas Cranmer was burned at the stake
March 22nd1459 - Birth of Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor.
1519 - Date given for the birth of Katherine Willoughby.  She was the daughter of William Willoughby, 11th Baron Willoughby de Eresby, and Lady Maria de Salinas, lady-in-waiting to Catherine of Aragon. She married Charles Brandon in 1533. 
March 23rd 1534 - An Act of Succession is passed recognizing the rights of the children of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn to succeed the throne
1540 - Waltham Abbey, the last surviving monastery in England, was surrendered to Henry VIII
1557 - Queen Mary and Philip of Spain ride through London
March 24th 1543 - Thomas Cranmer accused of heresy, Cranmer later convinces Henry of his innocence
1603 - Elizabeth I died
1603 - Accession of James I (James VI of Scotland). The end of the House of Tudor and the start of the House of Stuart.
March 25th3/25 - During Tudor times in England, Lady Day was New Year's Day up to 1752 when following the move from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar, 1 January became the start of the year (source from Wikepedia).
1555 - This Lady Day, jousts between Queen Mary's and Philip of Spain's knights
1559 - This Lady Day, Elizabeth I traveled up and down the Thames with drums, trumpets, and flutes escorting her.
1571 - Ridolfi left England for open negotiations to end the trade war but also with authorization from Mary Queen of Scots and the Duke of Norfolk, to get Spanish aid for their plot against Elizabeth I.
1584 - Sir Walter Raleigh was granted a patent to colonize Virginia.

1586 - Catholic martyr Margaret Clitherow executed for harboring Catholic priests.
March 26th1533 - Anne Boleyn is presented to the world at last as Queen Consort

1533 - Convocation is asked to pronounce on the validity of a papal dispensation allowing a man to marry his brother’s widow.
March 27th1489 - The signing of the Treaty of Medina Del Camp between England and Spain.
1599 - Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, left London for Ireland as Lieutenant General.
1625 - James I of England passed away and his son Charles I came to the throne.
March 28th1552 - Death of John Skip, Bishop of Hereford, in London. 
1579 - Death of Sir Thomas Gargrave, Administrator and Speaker of the House of Commons.
1591 - Birth of William Cecil, 2nd Earl of Salisbury.  He is the Son of Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salibury, and Grandson of William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley.
March 29th1461, The Battle of Towton took place; Edward of York defeated Margaret of Anjou and took the throne of England, deposing King Henry VI to become King Edward IV. It was reported to be the "largest and bloodiest battle ever fought on English soil".
1551 - Marriage of Mary Dudley, eldest daughter of John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, and Henry Sidney. Mary became a gentlewoman of Elizabeth I's privy chamber in 1559 and is known for nursing the Queen through smallpox in 1562. Mary caught the disease and was badly disfigured as a result.
1578 – The death of Arthur Champernowne. He was a Vice-Admiral of the West who lived at Dartington Hall in Devon, England. 
March 30th 1533 - Thomas Cranmer made Archbishop of Canterbury
1587 - Death of Sir Ralph Sadler who served as a Secretary of State for King Henry VIII
March 31st1499 - Birth of Pope Pius IV.
1519 - Birth of Henry II of France, son of Francis I and Queen Claude.
1547 - Francis I of France died and Henry II became King.
1553 - Edward VI dissolved Parliament.
April 1st1538 - Death of Sir Amias Paulet, soldier and landowner.
1548 - Cranmer includes English into the Mass this Easter Sunday, and bans some traditional Easter practices.
April 2nd 1502 - Prince Arthur Tudor died
1552 - King Edward contracts smallpox and measles, possibly damaging his immune system
1587 - Francis Drake set sail from Plymouth for Spain
April 3rd
1538 - Elizabeth Howard, Wife of Thomas Boleyn and Mother to Mary, Anne and George Boleyn died 
1546 - To improve morals, Henry VIII closed the brothels in Southwark
1559 - New Bills of Supremacy and Uniformity were introduced to Parliament during Elizabeth's reign.  Its purpose was to get parliamentary sanction for royal supremacy and Protestant settlement.
1578 - Burial of Lady Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox and daughter of Margaret Tudor.
1606 - Charles Blount, 8th Baron Mountjoy and 1st Earl of Devonshire passed away.
April 4th
1581 - Francis Drake was knighted for completing a circumnavigation of the world.
April 5th1513 - Treaty of Mechlin signed by Henry VIII, Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand II of Aragon and Pope Leo X against France. 
1515 - Franco-English alliance back on
1533 - Convocation ruled that Henry VIII's and Katherine Aragon's marriage was invalid
1588 - Birth of Thomas Hobbes, a philosopher
April 6th 1533 - Bishop Fisher arrested
1590 - Francis Walsingham died
April 7th1498 - Death of Charles VIII of France and accession of Louis XII.
1537 - Robert Aske and Lord Darcy sent to the Tower of London.
1555 - Observant friars return to Greenwich

1559 - Peace of Cateau-Cambresis ended England's war with France and Scotland
April 8th
April 9th
1511 – St John's College, Cambridge, England, receives its charter. The college was founded by Lady Margaret Beaufort (Henry VII's Mother)
1533 - Henry VIII ordered Katherine of Aragon to cease using the title Queen
1557 - Cardinal Reginald Pole's legatine powers were revoked by Pope Paul IV.
1585 -  Walter Raleigh departed from England to Roanoke Island to establish the Roanoke Colony (now in North Carolina)
1626 - Death of Sir Francis Bacon
April 10th1512 - the future James V of Scotland was born at Linlithgow Palace.
1550 - Edward Seymour readmitted to the King's council.
1585 - Pope Gregory XIII died.
April 11th 1512 - Margaret Tudor gave birth to Prince James (King James V of Scotland)
1533 - Henry VIII told his council that Anne Boleyn was now his lawful wife and should be addressed and treated as Queen
1553 - King Edward departs for Greenwich
1554 - Thomas Wyatt the Younger was executed
April 12th 1533 - Anne Boleyn declared Queen
1533 - Thomas Cromwell becomes Chancellor of the Exchequer.
1534 - Thomas More was ordered to take the oath of succession
1550 - Birth of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, courtier and poet. The Oxfordian theory of Shakespearean authorship proposes that de Vere wrote Shakespeare's works and some believe that he was the illegitimate son of Elizabeth I. (via the Elizabeth Files)
1555 - Joanna of Castile, elder sister of Catherine of Aragon passed away.
April 13th1519 - Birth of Catherine de' Medici
1598 - Henri IV of France signs the Edict of Nantes, ending the Wars of Religion in that country
April 14th1471 - Death of John Neville, at the Battle of Barnet, fighting against Edward IV.
1471 - Death of Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick, 6th Earl of Salisbury and a man known as the Kingmaker. He died with his brother, John Neville, at the Battle of Barnet. Both bodies were taken to London and displayed at St Paul's before being given to Archbishop Neville for burial.  As a fyi, this is during the War of the Roses.(via The Elizabeth Files)
1555 - A Priest was assaulted at St. Margaret's Church in Westminster during the Eucharist ceremony
1578 - Death of James Hepburn, 4th Earl of Bothwell, in exile in Denmark.  He was the 3rd Husband to Mary, Queen of Scots.
April 15th1599 - Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, sworn in as Lord Lieutenat of Ireland.
April 16th1512 - The Mary Rose began her first tour of duty in the English Channel on the hunt for French warships.
1551 - The sweating sickness broke out at Shrewsbury. 
1587 - Death of Anne Seymour, Duchess of Somerset and wife of Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset and Lord Protector during part of Edward VI's reign. Anne was a Reformer and a literary patron. She died at Hanworth Place and was buried at Westminster Abbey.
April 17th1534 - Thomas More taken to the Tower for refusing to take the oath of succession
1554 - Sir Nicholas Throckmorton acquitted of treason (his jurymen were then arrested, and Throckmorton remained in jail)
April 18th1540 - Thomas Cromwell became Earl of Essex
April 19thVia The Elizabeth Files
1558 - Mary Queen of Scots and Francis, the Dauphin, were formally betrothed at the Louvre.
1587 - The Singeing of the King's Beard - Sir Francis Drake attacked Cadiz.
April 20th1534 - Prominent non-clerical Londoners given the oath of succession
1534 - Elizabeth Barton and her followers executed
April 21st 1509 - King Henry VII dies, this news is kept secret
1509 - King Henry VIII ascends the throne
April 22nd1451 - Isabella I of Castile, Catherine of Aragon's Mother, was born.
April 23rd1549 - Martin Bucer and Paul Fagius arrive in England
1559 - Robert Dudley and Thomas Howard made Knights of the Garter on this St. George's Day
1564 - William Shakespeare was born
1616-  William Shakespeare died 
April 24th 1509 - Henry VIII is officially proclaimed king. He orders the arrests of two unpopular ministers of his father's, Richard Empson and Edmund Dudley
1546 - Henry VIII chartered the English Navy
1558 - Mary Stuart married Dauphin Francois
April 25th1544 - Publication of Queen Catherine Parr's English translation of John Fisher's "Psalms or Prayers". It was published anonymously.
1557 - Thomas Stafford captured Scarborough Castle in Yorkshire and declared himself Duke of Buckingham and a defender against Spanish threat.
1599 - Birth of Oliver Cromwell, future Lord Protector of England, Scotland and Ireland.
1603 - Burial of Katherine Howard, Countess of Nottingham, eldest daughter of Henry Carey, 1st Baron Hunsdon, at All Saints, Chelsea. Elizabeth I was said to be very distressed at her friend's death.

1616 - William Shakespeare buried at Holy Trinity Church.
April 26th1564 - William Shakespeare baptized
1573 - Marie de Médicis was Born, Queen consort of France, as the second wife of King Henry IV of France.
April 27th
April 28th1489 - Death of Henry Percy, 4th Earl of Northumberland.

1536 - Reports of council meetings and Cromwell's meeting with Dr. Richard Sampson arouse suspicion.
1548 - Death of Sir Anthony Browne. Browne was involved in Anne Boleyn's downfall.
1556 - Execution of Richard Uvedale for his involvement in Henry Dudley's plot against Queen Mary I.

1557 - Henry Neville recaptured Scarborough Castle from Thomas Stafford

1572 - Burial of William Paulet, 1st Marquess of Winchester, administrator and nobleman.
1603 - Funeral of Elizabeth I.
April 29th
April 30th 1517 - The riots known as "Evil May Day" began
1527 - Treaty of Westminster was signed
1536 - Mark Smeaton was arrested
1546 - Henry VIII ordered the brothels in Southwark to be closed in order to "improve morals"
1555 - Bells wrung in London for the birth of Queen Mary's son, this proved false
May 1st
May 2nd1536 - Anne Boleyn and George Boleyn were arrested
1550 - Joan of Kent burned at the stake for heresy
May 3rd1469 - Philosopher and Social Commentator Nicholas Machiavelli is born
1544 - Thomas Wriothesley made Lord Chancellor
May 4th 1547 - Catherine Parr and Thomas Seymour married
May 5thVia The Elizabeth Files
1536 - By the 5th of May, the final arrests had been made in the fall of Anne Boleyn. 
1536 - Thomas Wyatt, a privy councillor, diplomat and celebrated poet, and Sir Richard Page, a former secretary to Cardinal Wolsey, were arrested and imprisoned in the Tower.
1542 - Birth of Thomas Cecil, 1st Earl of Exeter, courtier and soldier, and the eldest son of William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley, by his first wife Mary Cheke.
1586 - Death of Sir Henry Sidney, courtier and Lord Deputy of Ireland. 
1625 - Burial of James I (VI of Scotland) in the Henry VII Chapel of Westminster Abbey.
May 6th 1471 - Execution of Edmund Beaufort, styled 3rd Duke of Somerset, in Tewkesbury market place. He had headed Margaret of Anjou's troops at the Battle of Tewkesbury, and after their defeat had tried to take sanctuary at Tewkesbury Abbey. Edward IV broke into the abbey and captured him.
1501 -  Birth of the future Pope Marcellus II who died in 1555. 

1527 -  Sack of Rome
1541 -  Henry VIII ordered a new Bible placed in every church
May 7th1535 – Cromwell and member of the King's Council visited Bishop John Fisher. Cromwell read out the Act of Supremacy and Fisher refused to acknowledge the King as the supreme head of the Church.
1560 – English troops charged the wall of Leith. They were unsuccessful and suffered heavy losses.
1603 – James VI of Scotland/I of England arrives in London
May 8th1539 - Henry VIII mustered 15,000 men in response to the Peace of Toledo
1559 - Elizabeth I assented to new Acts of Supremacy and Uniformity
1560 - English forces under Lord Grey of Wilton repulsed at Leith
May 9th1509 - Henry VII's body taken to St. Paul's
1536 - Various meetings regarding the fall of Anne Boleyn
1538 – Marriage of Marie de Guise and James V by proxy
May 10th1509 – Birth of Edward Stanley, 3rd Earl of Derby and privy councillor to Mary I and Elizabeth I. 
1533 -Opening of special court at Dunstable by Archbishop Cranmer to rule on the validity of the marriage of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon. 
1536 - Sir William Kingston, Constable of the Tower, ordered to "bring up the bodies" of Norris, Weston, Brereton and Smeaton for trial on May 12th .
1553 - English ships set sail from Tilbury in search of a northeast passage for Asia.
May 11th 1500 - Reginald Pole was born
1509 – Henry VII laid to rest next to his wife, Elizabeth of York, in Westminster Abbey.
1532 – Henry VIII accused clergy of being “scarce our subjects” and attacked their oath to the Pope.
1536 - The Middlesex Indictment ruled on the alleged offence of Anne Boleyn and the five men.
May 12th1521 - Martin Luther's books were burned by Bishop Fisher at Paul's Cross
1553 - Guildford Dudley and Lady Jane Grey were married
May 13th 1516 - Princess Mary Tudor married Charles Brandon at Greenwich
1536 - Henry Percy writes to Cromwell regarding the alleged pre-contract between himself and Anne Boleyn.
1568 – Mary Queen of Scots's forces are defeated at the Battle of Langside
May 14th1517 - Those arrested in the "Evil May Day" riots were paraded before the King, Queen, and their court in halters
1536 - Jane Seymour moved closer to the King and Cromwell updates the King's ambassadors in France on recent events.
May 15th 1532 - The clergy turned over its legislative independence to the Crown
1536 - Anne Boleyn and George Boleyn were found guilty of treason
1567 - Mary Stuart married James Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell
May 16th 1517 - Margaret Tudor returned to Scotland
1532 - Sir Thomas More resigned as Lord Chancellor of England
1536 – Archbishop Cranmer visits Queen Anne Boleyn at the Tower of London.
1568 – Mary Queen of Scots lands at Workington after losing at the Battle of Langside.
May 17th 1521 - Edward Stafford was executed
1527 - Cardinal Wolsey began a secret court to determine whether Henry VIII was unlawfully married to Katherine of Aragon
1536 - George Boleyn , Mark Smeaton, William Brereton Henry Norris & Francis Weston were executed; Anne Boleyn's marriage to Henry VIII declared invalid
May 18th
May 19th 1499 - Queen Katherine of Aragon is married by proxy to Prince Arthur
1536 - Anne Boleyn was executed
1539 - Henry VIII given the right to all of the monasteries
1554- Queen Mary I released Princess Elizabeth from the Tower of London
1568 - Elizabeth I imprisoned Mary, Queen of Scots
May 20th
1536 - King Henry VIII betrothed to Jane Seymour
May 21st 1524 - Death of Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk, KG, Earl Marshal
1527 - Philip II was born
1553 - Jane Grey married Guildford Dudley
May 22nd1490 - Death of Edmund Grey, 1st Earl of Kent.
1537 - Edward Seymour sworn in as a privy councillor
1538 - Friar John Forrest burned at the stake, the only Catholic to burn during Henry VIII's reign
1570 - Death of John Best, Bishop of Carlisle. He was buried in Carlisle Cathedral.
May 23rd 1533 - King Henry VIII & Queen Katherine of Aragon's marriage annulled by Thomas Cranmer
1547 - Henry Grey, 3rd Marquess of Dorset (future Duke of Suffolk) and father of Lady Jane Grey, installed as a Knight of the Garter.
1554 - The future Elizabeth I arrived at Woodstock, where she was put under house arrest. She had been released from the Tower of London on the 19th May.

1555 - Paul IV became Pope
May 24th1562 - Holinshed's Chronicle reported that on this day, a "monstrous birth" occured at Chichester in Sussex.
1576 - Birth of Elizabeth Chamberlain, Lady Chamberlain, daughter of Sir George Carey, 2nd Baron Hunsdon (grandson of Mary Boleyn), and Elizabeth Spencer. Elizabeth I was Elizabeth's godmother
1612 - Death of Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury, politician, courtier and Elizabeth I's secretary of state, at Marlborough, Wiltshire. Cecil was the only surviving son of William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley.
May 25th1537 - Hanging of John Pickering, Dominican friar, at Tyburn. Pickering had been found guilty of treason for his part in the Pilgrimage of Grace uprising.

1551-  London shaken by a great earthquake
1553 - Lady Jane Grey and Guildford Dudley get married at Durham Place, London.
1554 - Edward Courtenay, Earl of Devon, was moved from the Tower of London to Fotheringhay Castle. He had been implicated in Wyatt's Rebellion.
1632 - Death of William Knollys, 1st Earl of Banbury and courtier. He was the son of Sir Francis Knollys and Catherine Carey, and grandson of Mary Boleyn.
May 26th1520 - Henry VIII and Katherine of Aragon met with Charles V at Dover
May 27th 1541 - Lady Margaret Pole was executed
May 28th 1533 - King Henry VIII & Anne Boleyn's marriage publicly announced
1557 - Thomas Stafford beheaded for treason
May 29th 1522 - Henry VIII declared war on France
1543 - Catherine Parr's Prayers, Or Meditations was published
1599 - Essex's army was defeated at Deputy's Pass
1559 - Edmund Grindal becomes Bishop of London
May 30th 1536 - King Henry VIII married Jane Seymour
1529 - The Court at Blackfriars opened
1533 - Anne Boleyn begins her procession from the Tower to Whitehall Palace for her coronation
May 31st
June 1st 1519 - Henry Fitzroy, acknowledged to be King Henry VIII's son, was baptized.
1533 - Anne Boleyn was crowned Queen
June 2nd1510- Mary Brandon daughter to Charles Brandon and second wife Anne Browne is born.
1553 - King Edward gives approval to Cranmer's 42 Articles of Faith
June 3rd
June 4th1536 - Jane Seymour proclaimed Queen
1561 - Lighting strikes the steeple of St. Paul's, which causes the roof to catch afire.
June 5th
June 6th 1520 - The Field of Cloth of Gold
1522 - Henry VIII and Charles V entered London to great fanfare to plan war against France
1549 - Protestations in Cornwall against the new Book of Common Prayer
June 7th1525 - Henry Fitzroy was made Knight of the Garter
1557 - War declared against France
June 8th
June 9th1555 - Unsuccessful peace conference between England, France, and Spain concludes
June 10th 1540 - Thomas Cromwell arrested for high treason
June 11th 1509 - Henry VIII married Katherine of Aragon
June 12th1553 - King Edward draws up the paperwork to name Lady Jane Grey as his successor.
June 13th
June 14th1557 - Paul IV demanded that Cardinal Pole return to Rome under suspicion of heresy
June 15th 1519 - Henry Fitzroy was born
1567 - Battle Carberry Hill
June 16th 1487 - Battle of Stoke
June 17th 1497 - Battle of Blackheath
June 18th1525 - Henry Fitzroy made Duke of Richmond and Somerset, and Lieutenant-General of the North
1529 - Katherine of Aragon reputed the ability of the Court at Blackfriars to try her
1541 - The Irish Parliament changed Henry's title from Lord of Ireland to King of Ireland
June 19th 1540 - Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex arrested & imprisoned
1544 - The Siege of Boulogne began
1566 - King James VI was born
June 20th1557 - Paul IV named William Peto to replace Reginald Pole in England, but Mary refused to allow Pole to return to Rome or Peto to become legate
June 21st1529 - Katherine of Aragon fell upon her knees before Henry VIII at the Court of Blackfriars to proclaim her loyalty
1559 - Five bishops removed from their positions for refusing to take the Oath of Supremacy
June 22nd 1527 - Henry VIII informed Katherine of Aragon that they were not man and wife
1535 - Bishop Fisher was executed
1536 - Princess Mary acknowledged herself a bastard
June 23rd 1509 - Henry VIII and Katherine of Aragon leave the Tower of London for their coronation at Westminster Abbey
1553 - English ships, after being diverted once before, set sail in search of a Northwest Passage
June 24th 1509 -Henry VIII and Katherine of Aragon are jointly crowned
1533 - Henry's sister Mary Tudor died
June 25th1529 - Katherine of Aragon was found in contempt of the court of Blackfriars for not attending
June 26th
June 27th
June 28th 1491 - King Henry VIII was born
1519 - Charles V elected Holy Roman Emperor
1541 - Leonard Grey executed
1546 - Anne Askew convicted of heresy
June 29th 1509 - Lady Margaret Beaufort died
1540 - Thomas Cromwell found guilty of treason by attainder
June 30th 1537 - Lord Darcy beheaded
1541 - Henry VIII and Katherine Howard go on Henry's first northern progress
1551 - Dr. Wooton defends Princess Mary's commitment to Catholicism to the Council
July 1st 1536 - Mary and Elizabeth declared illegitimate by Parliament
1543 - The Treaties of Greenwich are signed, approving of a marriage between Prince Edward and Mary, Queen of Scots
July 2nd 1489 - Thomas Cranmer was born
July 3rd1557 - Mary and Philip set out for Dover for war with France
July 4th
July 5th
July 6th 1535 - Thomas More was executed
1553 - King Edward VI died
1557 - Philip of Spain left England for the last time
1560 - Treaty of Edinburgh signed
July 7th
July 8th1503 – Margaret Tudor said farewell to her father, Henry VII, and set off to Edinburgh to marry James IV. Anne Boleyn's father, Thomas Boleyn, was one of the men who accompanied her.
1540 – Abolition, by Henry VIII, of all heretical books and those containing errors.

1549 - Robert Kett leads a protest march against the new Book of Common Prayer
1553 - Mary Tudor declared herself Queen at Kenninghall.
July 9th 1540 - King Henry VIII & Anne of Cleves marriage dissolved
1551 - English currency is further debased
1553 - Bishop Ridley announced at the pulpit that Mary and Elizabeth were bastards
July 10th 1553 - Jane Grey declared queen of England
1559 - Henry II died from a jousting accident; Francis II and Mary, Queen of Scots become King and Queen of France
July 11th 1531 - Henry VIII left on royal progress without Katherine of Aragon, marking the last time they saw one another.
1533 - Pope Clement VII ordered Henry VIII to abandon Anne Boleyn; a bull of excommunication was drawn up but suspended in hopes the King would obey the Clement's ruling
July 12th 1537 - Robert Aske executed
1543 - King Henry VIII married Catherine Parr
1549 - Kett's Rebellion
July 13th
July 14th1514 - Cardinal Christopher Bainbridge died
1544 - Henry VIII arrived in Calais for the Siege of Boulogne
July 15th
July 16th 1546 - Anne Askew burned at the stake
July 17th
July 18th1509 - Edmund Dudley convicted of treason
July 19th1545 - The English navy engaged the French navy near the Isle of Wight and Portsmouth, the Mary Rose sunk
1551 - Marriage arranged between Henry III of France's daughter Elizabeth and King Edward
1553 - Many of Queen Jane's supporters defect and proclaim Mary Tudor as Queen of England
July 20th1554 - Prince Philip arrived in England
July 21st1553 - John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, arrested
July 22nd 1536 - Henry Fitzroy died
1549 - Robert Kett and his fellow protests attack and occupy Norwich
July 23rd1553 - Duke of Northumberland surrenders to Mary Tudor's forces
July 24th 1567 - Mary Queen of Scots abdicated
July 25th 1554 - Queen Mary I and Prince Philip married
July 26th1588- 4,000 men assembled at Tilbury fort built on the Thames estuary in Essex

July 27th

July 28th 1540 - King Henry VIII marries Katherine Howard
1540 - Sir Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex executed
July 29th 1565 - Mary Queen of Scots married Lord Darnley
July 30th
July 31st
August 1st
August 2nd1521 - Wolsey arrived in Calais to act as a peacemaker between France and the Holy Roman Empire
August 3rd1549 - John Russell and William Grey attack rebels at Clyst St Mary
1553 - Queen Mary enters London triumphant over Lady Jane Grey
1554 - Queen Mary and Philip of Spain set out for London
August 4th1549 - John Russell and William Grey continue to attack rebels at Clyst St Mary
August 5th1549 - John Russell and William Grey continue to attack rebels at Clyst St Mary
August 6th1514 - Margaret Tudor married Archibald Douglas
August 7th1514 - Henry VIII signed a treaty in which his sister Mary would marry the King of France
1549 - Mary, Queen of Scots sails for France
August 8th 1503 - Princess Margaret Tudor married King James IV
1553 - King Edward buried with Protestant rites
1588 - Defeat of the Spanish Armada
August 9th1561 - Elizabeth I declared that bishop's and university fellows' wives could not live in the colleges or cathedral churches.
August 10th1512 - Henry VIII's ship the Regent sunk in flames
1553 - Queen Mary holds an obsequy for King Edward
August 11th1534 - The Friars Observant evicted from their religious house
1553 - Queen Mary has a requiem mass held for King Edward
August 12th
August 13th
August 14th
August 15th1550 - Due to religious policies, London was greatly divided on whether or not to celebrate this Assumption Day
August 16th 1513 - Henry's VIII's forces win the Battle of the Spurs
1531 - Thomas Bilney burned for distributing Tyndale's Bible
August 17th 1510 - Edmund Dudley was executed
August 18th 1514 - Mary Tudor marries Louis XII by proxy
1527 - A new treaty was made between France and England, which included the promising of Mary Tudor to the Duke of Orleans
1549 - Battle of Samford Courteney
1553 - Queen Mary issued a proclamation urging all Englishmen to turn to the Catholic faith
1554 - Queen Mary and Philip of Spain arrive in London for the first time as a married couple
1557 - French soldiers defeated at Battle of St. Quentin - minus English help
1561 - Mary, Queen of Scots makes her way to Scotland
1562 - Elizabeth I watched Thomas Sackville's and Thomas Norton's The Tragedy of Gorboduc
August 19th
August 20th
August 21st
August 22nd 1485 - Battle of Bosworth Field
1532 - Archbishop Warham of Canterbury died
1545 - Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk died
August 23rd
August 24th 1535 - Thomas FitzGerald surrendered to English forces
1572 - St. Bartholemew's Day Massacre
August 25th 1549 - Warwick's troops attacked and entered Norwich
August 26th1555 - Queen Mary and Philip of Spain depart from Whitehall in preparation for Philip's return to the Low Countries
August 27th1557 - Spanish and English forces captured St. Quentin
August 28th
August 29th 1538 - Geoffrey Pole was arrested on suspicion of being in contact with his brother, Reginald Pole
August 30th1525 - Treaty of the More signed
August 31st
September 1st 1532 - Anne Boleyn made Marquess of Pembroke
September 2nd1557 - Bells wrung and bonfires for the capture of St. Quentin
September 3rd
September 4th 1539 - King Henry VIII betrothed to Anne of Cleves
September 5th 1548 - Catherine Parr died
1557 - Bishop Stephen Gardiner imprisoned
September 6th1525 - Peace declared between England and France
September 7th 1533 - Princess Elizabeth Tudor was born
1533 - Robert Dudley was born
September 8th 1560 - Amy Robsart, wife of Robert Dudley, found dead
September 9th 1513 - Battle of Flodden, James IV dies on the field
September 10th 1533 - Princess Elizabeth Tudor was baptised at Greenwich
September 11th
September 12th1555 - The first day of Cranmer's trial began
September 13th
September 14th
September 15th
September 16th1541 - Henry VIII arrived in York, but was not able to meet with James V
September 17th
September 18th 1544 - Henry VIII rides triumphantly through Boulogne
September 19th
September 20th 1486 - Prince Arthur Tudor was born
1545 - Henry VIII's health has declined to the point where the royal stamp is now affixed to documents requiring his signature
1562 - Elizabeth I and Huguenot leaders agreed to the Treaty of Hampton Court
September 21st 1578 - Robert Dudley married Lettice Knollys
September 22nd 1515 - Anne of Cleves born
September 23rd
September 24th1561 - Katherine Grey and the Earl of Hertford's son is born, causing much scandal
September 25th 1506 - King Philip I of Castile "the Fair" died
1534 - Pope Clement VII died
September 26th
September 27th
September 28th
September 29th
September 30th 1515 - Margaret Tudor fled to England
1544 - Henry VIII returned back to England from his triumph in Boulogne
1553 - Queen Mary's coronation procession began
October 1st 1549 - Edmund Bonner removed from his position as Bishop of London for speaking out against new religious legislation
1549 - Edward Seymour moves King Edward from Hampton Court to Windsor Castle after hearing of plots against him
1553 - Queen Mary I crowned queen of England
October 2nd 1501 - Katherine of Aragon arrived in Plymouth, England
1514 - Mary Tudor sets off for France
October 3rd
October 4th1518 - A treaty is signed between France and England that includes a betrothal between Princess Mary and the young dauphin
1539 - Henry VIII agreed to marry Anne of Cleves
October 5th1518 - Princess Mary Tudor and the Dauphin were officially betrothed
1553 - Queen Mary's first Parliament meets and declares Katherine of Aragon's marriage to Henry VIII legitimate, and also declares the Queen's birth legitimate.
October 6th 1536 - William Tyndale executed for heresy
1557 - Bells wrung and bonfires lit for the reconciliation of the Pope with the Emperor
October 7th
October 8th1514 - Mary Tudor meet Louis XII and their marriage was celebrated
October 9th 1514 - Princess Mary Tudor married King Louis XII
1529 - Cardinal Wolsey indicted for using his power illegally
1536 - The Pilgrimage of Grace began
October 10th1549 - Edward Seymour surrenders his position at Windsor Castle
1562 - Elizabeth I fell ill with smallpox, nearly died of the it, and swore that nothing improper ever occured between her and Robert Dudley
October 11th 1521 - Henry VIII proclaimed "Defender of the Faith"
1532 - Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn go to Calais
1537 - A procession marches through London to pray for Jane Seymour's deliverance from a difficult labor
1542 - Thomas Wyatt died
1551 - Earl of Warwick made the Duke of Northumberland
1537 - Lady Jane Grey was born
October 12th 1537 - Prince Edward Tudor born
October 13th 1534 - Alexander Farnese was elected Pope Paul III
1549 - The Protectorate comes to an end
October 14th
October 15th1537 - Prince Edward Tudor was baptized
October 16th1551 - Edward Seymour arrested for high treason
1555 - Latimer and Ridley were burned
October 17th
October 18th 1529 - Wolsey ordered to hand over the great seal
1541 - Princess Margaret Tudor died
October 19th
October 20th1536 - Thomas Darcy surrendered Pontefract Castle to Robert Aske, then joined the leadership of the Pilgrimage of Grace
October 21st1542 - The Duke of Norfolk attacked Scotland
October 22nd
October 23rd
October 24th 1537 - Jane Seymour died
1542- James V led an attack into England
October 25th 1529 - Thomas More became Chancellor of England
1532 - Henry VIII and Francis I return to Calais, where Anne Boleyn performed in a masque with six others
1555 - Philip of Spain became ruler of the Low Countries
October 26th1529 - Thomas More took the oath of the Chancellor of Engalnd
1536 - Talks began between the Duke of Norfolk and Robert Aske began
October 27th1553 - Queen Mary announces to her council that she will marry Philip of Spain
October 28th1561 - Candlesticks removed from the Chapel Royal, but not the cross, to the disappoint of Elizabeth I's staunch Protestant subjects
October 29th
October 30th 1485 - King Henry VII crowned king of England
October 31st 1517 - Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses
November 1st
November 2nd1541 - Henry VIII was informed that Katherine Howard was involved in two affairs before their marriage
November 3rd
November 4th 1530 - Cardinal Wolsey was arrested
1538 - Margaret Pole, Henry Pole, and Henry Courtenay were arrested
November 5th 1514 - Mary Tudor crowned queen of France
November 6th1515 - Mary Tudor triumphantly entered Paris
1541 - Henry VIII abandoned Katherine Howard at Hampton Court
November 7th
November 8th1541 - Katherine Howard admitted to the accusations against her to Thomas Cranmer
November 9th 1518 - During the night and into the next day, Katherine of Aragon gives birth to a stillborn daughter, her last pregnancy.
1569 - Northern Rebellion begins
November 10th
November 11th
November 12th1532 - Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn set sail for England from Calais
1537 - Jane Seymour's body moved from Hampton Court to St. George's Chapel
1554 - Queen Mary and Philip of Spain oversaw the opening of Parliament
1555 - Early in the morning, Lord Chancellor Gardiner died
November 13th
November 14th 1501 - Prince Arthur Tudor married Katherine of Aragon
November 15th
November 16th1537 - Cluniac house at Lewes monastery surrendered its lands - the dissolutions of the larger monasteries thus began
1553 - Queen Mary's parliament asks her to marry an Englishman
November 17th 1558 - Mary I died, Elizabeth I ascended the throne
1558 - Cardinal Pole died
November 18th1523 - Cardinal Giulio de' Medici became Pope Clement VII
November 19th
November 20th 1543 - Hans Holbein died from plague
November 21st1548 - Tower of London catches afire due to a barrel of gunpowder, one prisoner dies
November 22nd
November 23rd 1499 - Perkin Warbeck was executed
1533 - The Benedictine nun Elizabeth Barton publicly denounced at Paul's Cross
November 24th 1504 - Queen Isabella of Castille died
November 25th 1487 - Elizabeth of York crowned queen of England
1533 - Henry Fitzroy married Mary Howard
1542 - Battle of Solway Moss
November 26th
November 27th
November 28th1554 - Cardinal Reginald Pole addressed Queen Mary's Parliament
1556 - Princess Elizabeth rode into London with a great company
November 29th 1489 - Princess Margaret Tudor was born
1530 - Thomas Wolsey died
1556 - Doctor Feckenham created as the Abbott of Westminster
November 30th 1554 - St. Andrew's Day, England was reconciled to the Roman Catholic Church
December 1st 1521 - Pope Leo X died
1541 - Francis Dereham and Thomas Culpepper convicted of treason
1551 - Edward Seymour put on trial for treason
December 2nd 1555 - Legantine synod opened by Reginald Pole at Westminster
December 3rd1536 - Pilgrims of Grace drew together a list of grievances for Henry VIII
December 4th1555 - Cranmer officially removed as the Archbishop of Canterbury
December 5th1560 - Francis II died and Charles IX (then 10) became King of France
December 6th
December 7th
December 8th 1542 - Mary Queen of Scots born
December 9th1538 - Henry Pole and Edward Courtenay were beheaded
December 10th1541 - Francis Dereham drawn and quartered, and Thomas Culpepper beheaded
December 11th1543 - Scottish Parliament broke the marriage alliance between Mary, Queen of Scots and Prince Edward
December 12th1546 - The Duke of Norfolk and Henry Howard were arrested
December 13th1558 - Elizabeth I holds a requiem mass for Mary I
1512 - Mark Smeaton is born
December 14th 1542 - James V of Scotland died, week-old daughter Mary became Queen of Scotland
December 15th
December 16th 1485 - Queen Katherine of Aragon was born
December 17th1538 - Pope Paul III excommunicated Henry VIII
1559 - Matthew Parker made Archbishop of Canterbury
1577 – Francis Drake sails from Plymouth, England, on a secret mission to explore the Pacific Coast of the Americas for Queen Elizabeth I 
December 18th
December 19th1542 - Noble survivors of James V's expedition into England paraded through London
December 20th
December 21st1545 - William Cecil (Lord Burghley) marries Mildred Cooke
December 22nd 1515 - William Warham resigned as Lord Chancellor.
1536 - Henry VIII, Jane Seymour and Henry's daughter Mary rode through London to Greenwich to spend Christmas together 
1588 - Assassination of Henri I of Lorraine, Duke of Guise, at the Royal Château de Blois.
1590 - King James VI and Anne of Denmark married
December 23rd1527 - Clement VII gave Henry VIII a dispensation to marry again, but did not state that Henry and Katherine of Aragon's marriage had been invalid
December 24th 1515 - Thomas Wolsey rises to the lord chancellorship.
1541 - A fire broke out in John Williams's, the master of the jewels house, and in the hubbub, many of the royal jewels were stolen
1601 - Battle of Kinsale
December 25th 1528 - Henry VIII spends Christmas with Anne Boleyn at Greenwich
1530 - Henry VIII spends Christmas with Katherine of Aragon at Greenwich
1558 - Elizabeth I walks out of mass after Bishop Oglethorpe elevated the host
December 26th
December 27th 1539 - Anne of Cleves arrived at Deal for her marriage to Henry VIII
1542 - Captured Scotsmen swore allegiance to Henry VIII and swore to uphold the marriage agreement between Prince Edward and Mary, Queen of Scots
December 28th
December 29th1886 - Pope Leo XIII beatified 54 English Catholic martyrs - The list included Bishop John Fisher, Thomas More, Thomas Abel and 18 Carthusian monks.
December 30th1546 - Henry VIII approved a new version of his will
1568 - Death of Roger Ascham, scholar and royal tutor
December 31st1509 - Katherine of Aragon delivers of her first child, a still born daughter who was born early.
1510 - Katherine of Aragon goes into labour with her second child - a boy, Henry - a year to the day she delivered her first.
1557 - Surprise attack on Calais by the Duke of Guise began
1558 - Elizabeth I ordered that the gospel, epistle, and litany be read in English

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